Completion of No.2 steam turbine cylinder capping of Sarah Harding power station project in Iraq


At 2:25 local time on April 23, the capping work of No.2 steam turbine of Sarah Harding power station project in Iraq was successfully completed, creating favorable conditions for further unit commissioning.

In order to successfully complete the capping work of the unit 2steam turbine, coordinating with the owner, CMEC and the steam turbine manufacturer, the project department planned and organized in advance, formulated a reasonable capping plan, effectively guaranteed the safety and quality supervision and control in the inspection and quality acceptance before capping. In the process of capping, a special person was assigned to supervise the whole process, the management personnel went deep into the construction line, strictly controlled each construction process, and successfully completed the construction milestone of unit 2 steam turbine schedule in a safe, rapid, orderly and satisfactory way.
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