The first hoist of HRSG module of Meghnaghat phase II combine cycle project in Bangladesh was successfully put in place

At 5:00 p.m. local time on May 19, the first hoist of HRSG module of Bangladesh Meghnaghat phase II combine cycle project was successfully put in place, which started the first shot of installation of heating surface of HRSG.

The HRSG module is divided into 15 pieces, of which the heaviest one is 195 tons. The component number of this hoisting is 4C, which is the heaviest component in the whole module hoisting process. Two 600 ton crawler cranes are used in the lifting process.

In order to ensure the successful completion of the hoisting operation, the project department carefully organized the construction, repeatedly simulated the hoisting process, analyzed every detail in the construction process, and conducted several crane performance tests. Finally, the first hoist of module installation was successfully completed with the efforts of all parties.

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